Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brotherly Love...

So, probably one of the craziest, most stressful times of my life was the first couple of months after Austin was born. Don't get me wrong, we were thrilled to have a new little boy join our family, but the circumstances were a little rough for me. Taylor was only 21 months old, and he was a tornado child. By that I mean he would walk through a room and by the time he left the room it was basically destroyed. He was just a very busy little boy and extremely curious. Austin, as a newborn, was EXTREMELY fussy. He seemed to cry pretty much all day. And if I was lucky enough to get him to sleep I couldn't put him in his bed because he would wake up instantly. So I basically had to chase a 21 month old around the house all day while holding either a screaming baby or a sleeping baby who I was trying desperately not to wake up. Beyond that, my wonderful hubby was working long hours and Saturdays, going to Graduate school, and serving as Young Men's President. Needless to say, life was a little hectic and exhausting. At times I felt like life would never be "normal" again. Now, although I wouldn't call life "normal", I have come to appreciate and LOVE that my boys are so close in age. As hard as it was I would NEVER change it!! They have a built in best friend. Not to say things are perfect...they definitely do their share of fighting, but they also have so much fun together. The other day I was doing dishes, and I walked out to the living room to see what the boys were up to. What I found was a "fort" that they had built. The fort consisted of blankets laying all over the couch with a big one draped across their heads;) I asked them what they were doing. They peeked their heads out and responded that Taylor was just reading a book to Austin. It just kind of melted my heart to see the two of them cuddled up in their fort reading books together. I love my cute boys!

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