Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I was tagged!!

So yeah, I got tagged. It's been a week or longer since I got tagged, but I'm finally getting around to it. All I can say is at least I'm doing it...I was always the one who broke the chain letter in Elementary school!

How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

-3 Joys`

1. My amazing husband
2. My beautiful children: Taylor, Austin, and Emma
3. Being able to stay at home and raise my little ones!

-3 fears-
1. Not to sound morbid, but my biggest fear is my husband dying. I just love the guy so dang much, I can't imagine being able to live without him
2. Sleeping alone at night...I guess I'm scared of the dark! Needless to say, I don't do very well when Ira is out of town.
3. Really, really deep water. I like the ocean, but if I get out too far and it gets so deep that it's black, that kind of freaks me out.

-3 Goals-
1. To get my Master's Degree after my kids are grown.
2. To serve a Humanitarian Aid mission with my hubby.
3. To race in a triathlon

-3 Obsessions-
1. Reality T.V. Sad but true...American Idol, Amazing Race...I just can't get enough of it.
2. My treadmill. It's kind of a love/hate thing, but I can't seem to go a day without it.
3. Clothes shopping. For myself, my kids, and my hubby. I just love it!

-3 random surprising facts-
1. I'm a better rock climber than my husband! It's true...just ask him, he'll admit it!
2. I'm a roller coaster enthusiast! The bigger the better.
3. I eat way too much candy for a grown adult.

I tag Tracie, Jess, Elizabeth, Averi, Emily R

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Fun times with the Fam

So we've been loving the gorgeous weather we've had the last couple of days and we've been taking advantage of every minute of it. On Monday we decided to go to Thanksgiving Point for Family Home Evening and walk through the gardens and get some ice cream. The boys think the waterfall is really cool and they always like picking which path we will walk on. Here are some fun pictures we took while we were there. It was the tulip festival and there were so many beautful flowers! I think the kids are pretty dang cute too!

Thanksgiving Point Pictures

More Thanksgiving Point Pictures

Monday, May 5, 2008

Graduations in our family

We had two graduations in our family this month. Taylor graduated from pre-school and Ira graduated with his MBA from Weber St. -Hurray!!!

Graduation Pictures

Our little Emma is so big and so cute!!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
">Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker